
Fritz (Jeiko vom Jakobsbrunnen), Born Nov 24, 1986

Quick Stats

Cause of Death: Old age
Color: Brown and white
Height: N/A, Weight: N/A
OFA: Good MU-23G31M-T
NAVHDA : UPT 165 points Prize III; UT 187 points
Prize I, 1996 Invitational 159 points
No Pass Sire: Quando v Rehwinkel, KLM 1029/83
Dam: Flocke v Jakobsbrunnen, KLM 256/80
Previous Litters: Fritz has sired around 13 litters including the only current NAVHDA UT Breeders award litter.

We bought all the frozen semen from Fritz in 2007 or so from June Knowlton/Sengpiel. He was the sire of our Whip, Anna, Nikki, and Epic. We use this semen on a very limited basis.

Fritz was the first SM to pass the NAVHDA Invitational test. Fortunately, Fritz's accomplishments don't stop there. Through the 13 or so litters he has sired he has shown that he passes his traits on to his pups.

Please contact us at for more info.

Fritz Progeny NAVHDA Testing Information

According to SMCNA Database Information Fritz has sired 79 puppies to date. Of those 30 have been run in the NAVHDA Natural Ability test. 9 pups received Prize I scores, 7 pups received Prize II scores, 3 pups received Prize III scores, 5 received No-Prize and 6 were tested for evaluation only.

According to the database two dogs were tested at the UPT level and one received a Prize III and one didn't earn a prize.

At the Utility level, Fritz's pups were also very successful. 8 different Fritz pups have been UT tested 4 receiving a Prize I, one receiving a Prize II and Prize III, respectively, and two not passing. His 1996 litter was also a UT Breeders Award litter, the only one as of 2006.

Of the four dogs that received Prize I UT scores and were invited to the NAVHDA Invitational only one, Hans passed. If you were to look at all the stats for dogs that have Fritz in a 3 generation pedigree this list would be even more astounding.

Fritz Gallery

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